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Family Based Mental Health Services

What is Family Based Mental Health Services?

FBMHS is a team delivered, intensive treatment service. The team, a Masters level clinician and a Bachelor level worker, work closely with a family and all agencies involved to decrease the need for out of home placement. Services are provided in the home and community, with the added capability of assisting in the school setting. Blair Family Solutions is able to provide Family Based in both Bedford and Blair county.

Why Family Based Mental Health Services?

  • Family Based teams receive intensive training in family therapy issues and techniques.
  • Ongoing supervision is provided to teams to keep treatment focused.
  • Family Based provides on-call 24/7 crisis service with one of the Family Based staff members.
  • Family Based works closely with families to develop and implement change within the family

What Does Treatment Look Like?

The first 30 days the team will assess the needs of the family and child; this includes gathering information from the family and from other agencies involved.

The Family Based Team will work closely with the parents and child to develop a 

treatment plan that is relevant to the family.

The team will meet with the family 2-3 times a week, and treatment will include 

family and individual sessions.

The team can provide treatment to all children in the family who may have the need.

Focus of treatment is on the relationships within the family, and the parents are an 

integral part of treatment.

Eligibility Requirements

  • The identified child must receive medical assistance
  • The identified child must have emotional concerns and a mental health diagnosis that places the child at risk of hospitalization or out of home placement
  • The family is willing to participate in a family treatment model
  • Family lives in either Blair or Bedford County

Contact Information

Jamie Banks

(814) 944-9970 Ext. 222

Admissions, the provisions of services and referrals of clients shall be made without regard to race, color, religious creed, disability, ancestry, national origin (including limited English proficiency), age, or sex.

ATENCIÓN: si habla español, tiene a su disposición servicios gratuitos de asistencia lingüística. Llame al 1-844-723-6288 (TTY: 1-844-723-6288).

Wann du [Deitsch (Pennsylvania German / Dutch)] schwetzscht, kannscht du mitaus Koschte ebber gricke, ass dihr helft mit die englisch Schprooch. Ruf selli Nummer uff: Call 1-844-723-6288 (TTY: 1-844-723-6288).

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